Ordinarily, your mouth contains natural saliva that keeps the oral environment moist. If your mouth feels dry or tacky, it can feel uncomfortable. But dry mouth will also pose a threat to your oral health.
The dry environment can allow natural oral bacteria to travel through your mouth with greater ease. This will heighten your risk for infections like gum disease. Gum disease can wreak serious havoc on the structure and appearance of your teeth, gums, and jaw. So you should not ignore risk factors like dry mouth.
If you experience chronic dry mouth, you may need to speak to your dentist to determine the cause and appropriate treatment. But you can also treat mild cases of dry mouth on your own. Read on to find advice from your dentist regarding how you can fight dry mouth at home.
Drink Water
A common cause of dry mouth is dehydration. When your body lacks water, you will produce less saliva, leaving your mouth dry. If you drink plenty of water, you can stay hydrated and avoid dry mouth and the resulting threat to your oral health.
Dentists agree that you should drink at least eight eight-ounce glasses of water every day in order to maintain adequate hydration levels. Drinking water will also treat acute cases of dry mouth because it introduces moisture directly to the oral environment. Proper hydration can give you other oral health benefits as well.
Chew Sugar-Free Gum
If your mouth feels dry, you can encourage the production of saliva to fix the issue through the act of chewing. However, you might not want to disrupt your diet by eating when not feeling hungry. Chewing gum can stimulate saliva production without throwing off your eating schedule.
Choose a sugar-free type of gum for this action so that you do not harm your teeth while treating dry mouth. Sugar will become acidic when it reacts with saliva, and then it can erode your tooth enamel. Prevent cavities and protect the rest of your smile when you steer clear of added sugar, including in chewing gum.
Evaluate Environmental Factors
Sometimes, your surroundings can contribute to the development of dry mouth. Pay attention to your dry mouth symptoms to determine if they seem to occur in the same location or room of your home. Dry air within a room, for instance, can dry out your mouth as well.
If this is the case, consider buying a humidifier. This device can add moisture to the air to reduce your risk of dry mouth. This approach can be useful if you cannot avoid that area and spend a great deal of time there, such as while sleeping.
If dry mouth continues or does not seem to have a clear cause, you may need to schedule an appointment with your dentist. They can evaluate your condition and recommend treatment to address any underlying problems. Do not delay seeking dental attention for changes in your oral health.